The second assessment - Project Work Due: Week 23, from 11th Aug 2014.Each candidate must produce a single image or series of images based on material presented during the class mentoring sessions. Various digital techniques as researched and documented on the candidate’s blog during the course of the unit are to be employed and feedback is to be discussed with teachers and colleagues to refine and confirm.
All images must be submitted in the candidate’s medium of choice and through the assignment submission module in MOODLE for this task. This assessment requires you to:
- develop ideas and techniques through a process of research and experimentation
- produce a series of digital images that demonstrates a command of techniques
- apply knowledge of digital imaging techniques, equipment and materials and the ways they may be adapted and combined.
Candidate may employ the following techniques in acquiring images:- from the internet
- through digital photography
- through scanning
- manipulating images using the full range of features in industry-standard digital imaging software
- matching resolution and format of output to reproduction requirements
Equipment may include:- computer
- digital camera
- digital imaging software
- discs and memory cards
- guillotine
- output devices
- scanner
Materials may include a range of printing surfaces:
- papers
- acetate
- fabrics
- magazine clippings
- paintings
Considerations must include:
- Safety and
- Sustainability
DUE DATE: Weeks 23 Semester 2 2014
Pop art chosen for this print inspired from. found in Google image.
For this to happen you need (Liqutex Medium Gel) cost $16.95.which you can purchase at: sportlight
And the other two bottals are (ModPodge) both cost $16.00 where you can also purchase at: sportlight
Print out your image on to normal paper with a laser printer.
main thing you need is wood also purchase at :(sportlight) cost about 5.99 brought 3 they have everything.hahaha
You would also need a paint brush and sponges brought a pa that cost $7.99
sponges can be bought in a any super marke store $2.00
Now the process is simple first use your
(paint brush) and spread your (medium gel) on to wood.
Like so
Than place you image face first on to wood.
And slowly iron.
after that is done you just leave it over night.
If you wipe it hard you would lose some detail/colours.
Like so:
Than after that is done, you have finally complete the image transfer on to wood.
Liqutex Medium Gel $16.95 x1
Mod Podge Gloss $16.00 x1
Mod Podge Matted-Mat $16.00 x1
Wooden board $ 5.99 x3
Small kitchen sponges $2 x2
Total amount $68.92